At the Center Foundation, we are dedicated to promoting safety in youth sports. We provide concussion awareness, and provide essential resources and education to safeguard young athletes. Whether you’re a coach, parent, or athlete, we’re here to support you with practical solutions and empower healthier sporting experiences. Together, let’s play safer and grow stronger.


Caring for the physical and mental health and safety of youth through access to sports medicine services and education.

INCREASING awareness about the importance of concussion testing and the devastating effects of Second Impact Syndrome.

EDUCATING parents, coaches, athletes, medical practitioners, and the public about the signs and symptoms of a concussion.

RETURNING athletes to competition only if and when it is safe to do so.


From Setback to Comeback

Troy’s journey of resilience with THE CENTER FOUNDATION by his side.

Despite the setbacks and moments of doubt, Troy refused to give up. With every small victory, he gained strength. With AT Brett supporting him, Troy discovered a new sense of purpose.

We LOVE to see young athletes participate in sports and stay ACTIVE, but sport injuries and CONCUSSIONS are sometimes unavoidable.

For this reason, The Center Foundation works with youth, schools, and parents to IMPROVE awareness, EDUCATE the community, and MANAGE concussions and other sports injuries properly. In fact, The Center Foundation and our certified athletic trainers are in eight local high schools across Central Oregon to SUPPORT families and young athletes – keeping kids safe in sports.

Concussion Information

There is nothing more precious than the safety of your child.

At The Center Foundation, we take the health of our young athletes seriously, and we know that, as a parent, you do too. So, if your child is experiencing a concussion or related symptoms, you can rest assured that our athletic trainers are here to help.

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Sports Medicine

Encouraging physical activity with an emphasis on wellness and safety.

To this end, we provide certified athletic trainers in Central Oregon high schools. Not only do they keep our young athletes safe and healthy, but they also educate students, parents, and coaches on injury prevention. In short, our athletic trainers are first responders – keeping kids safe in sports.

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Education and training to benefit health and safety of Central Oregon youth athletes.

One of our most important roles in the community is to inform and educate. For this reason we have designed Education Program for everyone—from third-graders to medical professionals—to learn key ways to prevent and manage injuries.

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Community Partners

Together we are stronger. Thank you!

Our community partners are vital to the programs, athletic trainers, and health care services we provide. Because they embrace and promote our mission, and support us through generous donations, we keep more kids safe in sports each year. Find out how to become a Varsity, Junior Varsity, or Freshman sponsor of The Center Foundation!

Our Partners